2020 is a year that will forever be etched in history, just as Chadwick Boseman cemented Wakanda in the DNA of the world forever! Kobe, COVID-19, and Chadwick, three iconic situations that are teaching us passion, resilience, and purpose.
Passion is a word that encompasses a myriad of compelling meanings. Determination, conviction, love, and desire are some of the definitions Chadwick used to sow into the fabric of his soul during the forty-three years the Lord blessed him with. From blue collar working habits and discipline of his parents in South Carolina to rising above racial slurs as a kid to filming the movie Black Panther after he was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016, Boseman's passion to succeed subdued Goliath obstacles. T'Challa on the movie screen was a super hero in real life. The question we all need to ask ourselves is 'have we activated the innate super hero passion we all possess?'

What would you do if you knew you had three to five years to live? Better yet, how would you handle those final years with the reality of stage 3 colon cancer? The latter is a formula for many to go into depression, hopelessness, or possible suicide. Chadwick leaned into his spiritual being to emotionally and mentally cope with his crisis. Prior to cancer, he remained steadfast on his dream of being a distinguished actor even though it took 35 years to land his first major role. At the age of 41, his iconic protagonist role in the movie, Black Panther, became the 12th highest grossing film of ALL TIME, making more than $1.3 billion dollars! In an interview with the New York Times, Boseman used these statements to describe his acting method, "You want to choose a difficult way sometimes. Some days it should be simple, but sometimes you've got to take chances." Regardless where you may be in your life's journey, I hope Chadwick's story sparks your resilience to a higher level.
We all know we have a date with death, we just don't know the day and time. Most of us live our daily lives without the thought of that reality in mind. However, your disposition would be different if you were told you have a limited amount of time to breathe. When Boseman became aware of his prognosis in 2016, he ran with his purpose. In doing so, he maximized every living second to become the legend we know him to be today. He annihilated stereotypes in Black Panther as a black man in a lead role who embodied a love story with intellect, pride, and culture. Wakanda was a heart string reality for those of us of African descent as we were brutally severed from our royal past. We were considered "products" sold to foreign soils and are still searching for connection to our homeland. T'Challa's reign in Wakanda's fictional kingdom is smothered with real life social, political, and economic hope for black people.

Chadwick Boseman looked past colon cancer, are you looking past COVID-19? His passion, resilience, and purpose have etched his name in the history books in more ways than one. Black Panther was the first big-budget superhero movie with a black hero, director, and a majority black cast. What historic trail are you blazing? The world is waiting for you to be the first person to...... do something. Rest in power Chadwick! I pray that God will continue to lead me to walk in His footprints on purpose. #chadwickboseman #blackpanther #berwickaugustin #wakandaforever